QuickMIC® wins Red Dot Design Award 2021
Gradientech has been awarded the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2021 for its QuickMIC diagnostic system for ultra-rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing. The Red Dot Award is awarded to products that feature truly exceptional design.
The Red Dot is internationallyrecognisedas one of the most prestigiousseals of quality for gooddesign.The Red Dot AwardforProduct Design is today one of the world’s largest design competitions.
“To be awarded with a Red Dot Product Design Award as a young diagnosticscompanyis an enormous achievement. Ourconvictionis that every productdeserves excellent design,regardlessof what it is used for.We have therefore worked with a strong design focus from the start,whilst simultaneously developing game-changing diagnostics. We are honoured and thank the Red Dot jury for theboostthisgives the whole team,”says Sara Thorslund, CEO of Gradientech.
The highly reputable Swedish industrial design company Myra Industriell Designhas played an important role whendesigning the QuickMIC system together with Gradientech. Jon-Karl Sundh, CEO of Myra, shares: “Myra is proud to be part ofthe journey increating an optimal diagnostic instrument with Gradientech’s completely new technology as a base.The collaboration with Gradientech has been characterized by a happy and open climate where Myra has been greatly entrustedto contribute with our experience.” Jon-Karl Sundhalsocomments on the QuickMIC instrument design: “Our goal has been an aesthetically pleasing instrument, well-designed in terms of user-friendliness, and rational formanufacturing.And of course, an award like this proves we did the right thing.”
For further information, please contact:
Sara Thorslund, PhD, CEO Gradientech
Tel: +46 736 29 35 80