Ready to experience the benefits of ultra-rapid AST in your lab?
Please don't hesitate to reach out to our senior sales team with your sales inquiries. We are here to guide you and your team through the process, from order and installation to efficiently integrating QuickMIC into your lab workflow.
Improve clinical decisions
Our unique technology utilises a continuous linear antibiotic gradient, which allows for higher resolution, precision and accuracy than methods based on discrete concentrations.1
- Confident MIC reporting
- High sensitivity around clinical breakpoints (S, I, R)
Speed up lab workflows
QuickMIC performs antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) directly from positive blood cultures and delivers results within 2-4 hours. Run QuickMIC alongside your preferred rapid ID method to report results to the clinical team even faster.
- Same work shift actionable results
- Minimum hands-on time
- No plate culturing necessary