Important information

Gradientech AB (publ) (the “Company”) has, due to legal restrictions, restricted the access of this part of the website. We therefore ask you to read the following information and provide the following confirmation each time you wish to access these websites. Please note that the terms below may change or be updated and that it is therefore important that you read them each time you visit this page.

The information available in hits section is not intended for, and may not, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, be accessed by, or distributed or disseminated to persons resident or physically present in the United States of America (including its territories and possessions), any state of the United States and the District of Columbia, (the “United States”), Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea or Switzerland or any jurisdiction where such action is subject in whole or in part to legal restrictions, or would require further prospectus, registration or other measures than those provided for under Swedish law. The information on this website does not constitute an offer regarding subscription rights, shares, paid subscribed shares or other securities issued by the Company (“Securities”) to any person in said jurisdictions. The information on the web pages cannot be passed on or reproduced in a way that is in conflict with such restrictions or would entail such requirements.

No Securities have been or will be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 as amended or the securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction in the United States and may not be offered, subscribed, exercised, pledged, sold, resold, allotted, delivered or otherwise transferred, directly or indirectly, in or to the United States, except in accordance with any exemptions accepted by the Company.

Within the European Economic Area (“EEA”), no offer is made to the public of Securities in any country other than Sweden. In other Member States of the European Union (“EU”), such an offer may only be made in accordance with the exemptions in the Prospectus regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (the “Prospectus Regulation”). In other countries in the EEA that have implemented the Prospectus Regulation in national legislation, such an offer can only be made in accordance with any relevant implementation measure. In other EEA countries that have not implemented the Prospectus Regulation in national law, such an offer can only be made in accordance with applicable exemptions in national law.

In order to access the information on this part of the Company’s website, all persons must first ensure that they are not subject to legal restrictions that limit their ability to access the information on this part of the Company’s website.

We therefore ask you to confirm that you reside or are located outside the United States, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea or Switzerland or any jurisdiction where such action is subject in whole or in part to legal restrictions, or would require further prospectus, registration or other measures than those provided for under Swedish law, and that you have the right to access the information on these websites without limitation in law or other rules and without the requirement that further measures need be taken by the Company. We also ask you to confirm that you have read the information, conditions and restrictions above and that you undertake to follow these.

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Rights issue 2025

Gradientech AB announced on 20 December 2024 the decision of the Board to carry out a new issue of shares with preferential rights for existing shareholders of approximately SEK 60 million. Below you will find information on how to participate in the issue and timetable.

Investor presentation 

On January 22, Gradientech together with Redeye organized a shareholder meeting to inform the shareholders about the issue and tell them about the business and the companys plans. In addition to Gradientechs CEO and CFO, the companys new distributor Hardy Diagnostics and board member Nedal Safwat participated, who gave their views on the US market and the potential for QuickMIC. Watch the presentation on Redeyes website:

To the presentation


In the prospectus [In Swedish] you will find all the information about the rights issue.

Read the prospectus


Other documents:

Registration certificate [in Swedish]

Press releases


20 December 2024
Publication of prospectus

15 January 2025
Record Day in the Rights Issue

22 Januari 2025 at 6-7 pm CET
Investor presentation at Redeye. Link to the presentation

17 – 31 Januari 2025
Subscription period

Subscribe for shares with preferential rights

Directly registered shareholders

You can subscribe for shares between January 17, 2025 – January 31, 2025. Ensure your payment is made in time, as it may take up to three banking days to process. Choose one of the following options:

  1. Subscribe for all your subscription rights
    Use the pre-printed payment slip from Euroclear to make your payment. No special application form is needed. Do not make any changes to the pre-printed slip.
  2. Subscribe for more or fewer subscription rights
    Use a special application form from Aqurat Fondkommission. Order the form by phone (+46 8-684 05 800) or email (). Submit the completed form to Aqurat no later than 3:00 PM on January 31, 2025.

Submission Address:
Aqurat Fondkommission AB
Attn: Gradientech
Box 7461, 103 92 Stockholm, Sweden

The application is binding.

Nominee registered shareholders

  • Subscription and payment of new shares with the support of preferential rights takes place via your bank or other nominee.
  • Often, the bank/nominee sends you a digital message as the account holder. But it is enough to log into your securities account from the first day of the subscription period to receive instructions on how to use your preferential rights.
  • Please note that banks/nominee can set different time limits for the last day for subscription, so be there in good time.

Subscribe for shares without preferential rights

You can subscribe for shares without preferential rights between January 17, 2025 – January 31, 2025. Follow the instructions below based on whether you hold directly registered shares or nominee-registered shares.

  1. Directly Registered Shareholders (VP Account)
    • Complete and sign the application form for subscription without preferential rights.
    • Send it to Aqurat Fondkommission by 3:00 PM on January 31, 2025.
    • No payment should be made at the time of application. Payment will be requested later by Aqurat.
    • For subscriptions of 15,000 EUR or more, a money laundering form must be submitted along with the payment.

    Submission Address:
    Aqurat Fondkommission AB
    Attn: Gradientech
    Box 7461, 103 92 Stockholm, Sweden

  2. Nominee-Registered Shareholders (Custody Account)
    • Submit your subscription request to your nominee according to their instructions.
    • Ensure your custody account allows subscription if it is linked to an insurance policy or an investment savings account (ISK).

Your application is binding.